KICY Staff Housing and Studio Revitalization Project
The time has come. After 65 years and multiple changes in both staff and equipment needs our studio building needs some major work. The Arctic Broadcasting Association Board of Directors is embarking on a major revitalization effort which will take much prayer, funds, and volunteer labor. Over the next three to five years we plan to implement a two phase project to more efficiently conduct radio operations and better house our volunteers.

Phase 1 is to construct a small triplex on land adjacent to the studio building that we were able to purchase a few years ago. This building will house one 2-bedroom and two 1-bedroom apartments to replace the aging staff housing currently in the studio building. Phase 2 will be the renovation and reorganization of the studio building itself. We will be looking to replace windows, upgrade plumbing and electrical, replace the roof, and reorganize the interior as needed, potentially even moving walls, to better accommodate our current and future needs for the efficient operation of the radio station.
This project does not come without significant cost. In addition to seeking grants, we are looking to you to prayerfully consider giving to this effort. Donations can be sent to KICY, P.O. Box 820, Nome, AK 99762. Or give on line through our secure giving site by clicking the Big Blue Button and selecting Donate to KICY. From the drop down options select Capital Campaign and note that it is for Revitalization. Please pray with us as we take on this massive, needed project.