donate hereUse this button for Credit Card or check donations.

83% of our financial resources come from supporters and churches, so we are always seeking new partners in this vital ministry.  Please prayerfully consider how you might support the work of KICY.  As an affiliated corporation of the Evangelical Covenant Church, KICY is a 501(c)3, not-for-profit corporation, so donations are tax deductible. Another important way you can help is with your God-given talents and skills.  We enjoy having work crews come up each summer from churches all over the country.  For more information about current summer projects and to schedule your work team, contact the General Manager by email: We offer a variety of opportunities to support KICY and our mission to the villages of western Alaska and the Russian Far East:

Be an Arctic Ambassador: For only $42 a month, you can sponsor one hour of broadcasting each month on KICY-AM 850.

Memorial Gifts: Remember a loved one with a gift in their honor to KICY.  Loved ones remembered in this way are listed in our Call Letter.

Legacy Giving: Talk to your estate planner about including KICY as a beneficiary. Your one-time bequest can assure continued service to our listeners. You may choose to have your bequest used where most needed, designated for our current Capital Campaign needs, or placed in our Endowment Fund, where only the interest is used for our Operating Expenses.

Capital Campaign:  This funding source allows us to keep up with building maintenance, technology updates and larger construction projects.  We would appreciate any assistance you could provide with our Capital Campaign.

Credit or Debit Card Donations:  There are many KICY supporters who have selected a regular monthly donation to be made by credit card, debit card or e-check.  It’s easy.  It’s simple.  It’s automatic.  Use the Donate Now button at the top of the page for details.

Stock Donation:  If you wish to make a gift of a stock you currently hold, simply notify us and The Covenant Church office in Chicago can assist in the redemption of that stock.